Recent Episodes
Iconic conservationists Paul Watson and Dave Foreman: putting earth and sea first
Two brilliant and controversial activists talk about their decades of fighting for the lives of sea and land creatures–and the victories that have come from positioning themselves far outside the mainstream.
Big data vs. the little virus
Lauren Ancel Meyers combines a deep knowledge of biology and statistics and biology to create models that help us deal with seasonal epidemics like influenza and major worldwide pandemics.
So, really…is there intelligent life beyond earth?
And what do we mean by “intelligence,” anyway? If there were, how would they get here, and why would they want to? We talk to astrophysicist Paul Davies about his lifelong exploration of these questions.
Young New Mexicans take action on climate change
Who are the adults in the room? The kids, apparently. We talk to four young New Mexicans taking action against climate disruption. They’re part of a world-wide climate strike on September 20.
Tewa Women United: Celebrating 30 years
There are no limits to what a group of women can do when they get together–and organize. Corrine Sanchez of Tewa Women United tells about three decades of activism, mutual support, and social change.
544 days in Iranian prison–for being a journalist
Jason Rezaian and his wife were taken from their home at gunpoint and accused of a bizarre list of crimes. Rezaian writes about his harrowing imprisonment–and the team effort it took to secure his release.
Santa Fe New Mexican
Award-winning radio host Mary-Charlotte Domandi partners with the Santa Fe New Mexican, the oldest newspaper in the West, to bring you in-depth interviews on subjects from politics to the arts to science and nature. We bring you two podcasts a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and available any time you want to listen.
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