Recent Episodes
Toxic neighbors: The demise of a dairy
Searchlight New Mexico’s April Reese on the effects of toxic chemicals from Cannon Air Force Base on local groundwater—and the severe toll these toxins have taken on both the viability of a dairy business and the health of its owner.
Mining in the Santa Fe National Forest?
What would it mean for camping, hiking, hunting, fishing, and wildlife if there were mining in the national forest? What would be the downstream consequences for communities? We talk to two experts.
Local food: 31 good reasons to eat it
Did you ever a piece of fruit that was so delicious that you went into an altered state? If so, it was probably local fruit from your farmers market. We talk to a farmer and a local food advocate about the many benefits of eating local food–and the rewards and challenges of producing it.
Growing up with Leonard Bernstein
Jamie Bernstein‘s new memoir offers a fascinating glimpse into Leonard Bernstein’s creative life, his family life, and the hard-drinking, chain-smoking, exuberance of New York during one of its most creative eras.
Fixing democracy: a user’s guide
The asymmetries between the Democratic and Republican parties are many these days–in the media, in their infrastructures, and in the way they seek and use power. Author Caroline Fredrickson tells us about the flaws in our current system, and how we can restore our democracy.
Healing from unspeakable trauma: a conversation with Dr. Bruce Perry
Until recently, mental health practitioners didn’t diagnose children with PTSD–they were thought to be “resilient,” and as a result generations didn’t receive the treatment they needed. Dr. Bruce Perry is one of the physicians responsible for challenging—and changing—that paradigm.
Santa Fe New Mexican
Award-winning radio host Mary-Charlotte Domandi partners with the Santa Fe New Mexican, the oldest newspaper in the West, to bring you in-depth interviews on subjects from politics to the arts to science and nature. We bring you two podcasts a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and available any time you want to listen.
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