Recent Episodes
Before Stonewall: Documenting LGBT history
In 1969 patrons of the gay bar, the Stonewall Inn, were fed up with police raids and they fought back. But leading up to that breaking point were decades of history and activism. In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots we talk to Robert Rosenberg , co-director of the 1984 documentary, Before Stonewall.
Bromance, infidelity, and death from consumption: The Santa Fe Opera 2019
Santa Fe Opera dramaturg Cori Ellison talks about this summer’s operas–history, production, themes–including a world premiere.
Kids with disabilities — and their parents — face harassment from schools
Discrimination, marginalization, and criminalization: these are among the challenges facing students in some of NM’s public schools schools—and the parents who try to advocate for them. We talk to investigative reporter Ed Williams of Searchlight New Mexico.
Battling Bubonic Plague: rats, politics, and the advent of modern science
Around 1900, bubonic plague struck San Francisco and threatened to wipe out huge numbers of people. David K. Randall‘s new book, Black Death at the Golden Gate, tells the gripping story of the doctors who had both to fight the disease and convince the public of the threat.
Medicine and miracles in Navajo Country
Before Erica Elliott decided to become a physician, she worked as a teacher on the Navajo reservation–where she also experienced being a shepherd, going into trance in peyote ceremonies, and being kissed by a mountain lion. We talk about her new memoir.
Breaking the chain of inequity in housing and transportation
Chainbreaker Collective director Tomás Rivera talks about community organizing for some of the most vulnerable neighborhoods in Santa Fe–and how people can make their voices heard as the city makes decisions about land, housing, and transportation.
Santa Fe New Mexican
Award-winning radio host Mary-Charlotte Domandi partners with the Santa Fe New Mexican, the oldest newspaper in the West, to bring you in-depth interviews on subjects from politics to the arts to science and nature. We bring you two podcasts a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and available any time you want to listen.
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