Recent Episodes
At long last: Ranked Choice Voting in Santa Fe
In this podcast we hear from Teresa Leger de Fernandez, the attorney who defended Ranked Choice Voting, Maria Perez Director of Fair Vote New Mexico, Matt Ross with the City of Santa Fe, and Tripp Stelniki reporter for the Santa Fe New Mexican, on what Ranked Choice is and why we are using it in Santa Fe.
How our legislators fail to represent us: Campaign Finance and Transparency
Most legislators spend more than half their time asking for money instead of legislating. John Pudner talks about this deep DC dysfunction and how to achieve meaningful reform.
A Wild Life: The adventures of a National Geographic photographer
Nick Nichols has photographed wild places and animals all over the world, and made images that have changed the way people see creatures like elephants and chimpanzees. And, he’s a great storyteller.
The 18th century origins of our nasty partisan politics
You think are politics are polarized today? It was all there at the founding of our country—tabloid-style journalism, complaints about congress, dirty tricks, and factionalism. Award-winning screenwriter and American history expert Kirk Ellis helps us make sense of it all.
A look back at 2017 in Santa Fe and New Mexico
Remember 2017…when we voted on the soda tax, fought about the Entrada, and drove cars into restaurants? It’s all here, the end-of-year wrapup.
Surviving violence and terror: A Kansas farm girl’s story
Leona Stucky as a teenager she encountered rape, stalking, and death threats, and not only survived but became a psychotherapist and a light of compassion and kindness.
Santa Fe New Mexican
Award-winning radio host Mary-Charlotte Domandi partners with the Santa Fe New Mexican, the oldest newspaper in the West, to bring you in-depth interviews on subjects from politics to the arts to science and nature. We bring you two podcasts a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and available any time you want to listen.
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