Recent Episodes
Holding New Mexico to a high ethical standard
The voters overwhelmingly voted for it–a statewide ethics commission–and now it’s being put into place. What’s it about, and why does it matter? Heather Ferguson of Common Cause New Mexico walks us through the ins and outs of ethics.
Love and poetry: the Valentines Day show
We listen to six Santa Fe poets talk about poetry, love, and writing, and they each share some of their poems with us.
A renewable energy vision for New Mexico
What would it take to make New Mexico a zero carbon emissions, clean/renewable energy state? We talk about bills before the legislature whose purpose is to take the necessary steps over the coming decades toward this goal.
The Santa Fe Film Festival is here!
Five days of films, parties, events, awards, and more films…on today’s show we talk about three films from the festival, whose themes range from Neanderthal DNA and cloning to gender inequality in TV and film, to the history of the newspaper business.
What’s behind that bottle of wine?
Bernardo Ruiz’s new film, Harvest Season, shows us a year in the Napa Valley with multi-generational Latino vineyard workers and business people–and it’s a celebration of all the people who work behind the scenes to make each bottle of California wine.
Ending epidemics of violence
Most of the world’s violence happens outside of war zones. How have countries and regions, like Sicily and Colombia–not to mention the Wild West of the early US–forge a path to peace? Rachel Kleinfeld‘s brilliant new book explores just that, and gives us not only hope, but profound and realistic analysis.
Santa Fe New Mexican
Award-winning radio host Mary-Charlotte Domandi partners with the Santa Fe New Mexican, the oldest newspaper in the West, to bring you in-depth interviews on subjects from politics to the arts to science and nature. We bring you two podcasts a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and available any time you want to listen.
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