Recent Episodes
Love and Marriage: A Deep History
Our ideas about marriage tend to include assumptions about what is “natural” or “universal”–most of which are not true. Anthropologist Laura Fortunato helps us sort out the diversity of marriage and family traditions throughout the world.
Deciding the fate of the Gila, New Mexico’s last free-flowing river
For over a hundred years, there have been attempts to damn and divert the Gila river in NM, and so far none of them has succeeded. We explore the potential ecological and economic impacts of the current proposed diversion.
Congresswoman Debra Haaland and the Green New Deal
Congresswoman Deb Haaland supports it, as do innumerable young people and veteran climate activists alike. Hear Haaland as well as youth activist Hannah Laga-Abramand environmental activist Craig O’Hare, as they talk about their perspectives on climate mitigation.
Building a truly successful education system
David Osher has devoted his life to building an education system that respects and meets the needs of all students, and that allows more successful structures to replace outdates ones. We talked to him during his recent visit to New Mexico.
Is our weed killer killing us?
Juries are finding that Monsanto’s Roundup is a dangerous carcinogen–and that the company has been misrepresenting its toxicity. Author Carey Gillam talks about her book Whitewash, the efforts to hold Monsanto accountable, and a vision for an agriculture that doesn’t rely on heavy chemical use.
Searchlight New Mexico—sowing seeds of change
As local journalism dwindles nationwide, Searchlight NM is a model of powerful investigative journalism that after only one year is having a real effect on New Mexico politics and policy.
Santa Fe New Mexican
Award-winning radio host Mary-Charlotte Domandi partners with the Santa Fe New Mexican, the oldest newspaper in the West, to bring you in-depth interviews on subjects from politics to the arts to science and nature. We bring you two podcasts a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and available any time you want to listen.
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