Regenerating a desert wetland oasis
On New Mexico’s Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, Don Boyd and David & Hui-Chun Johnson are restoring agricultural soils—to grow food for migrating waterfowl.
On New Mexico’s Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, Don Boyd and David & Hui-Chun Johnson are restoring agricultural soils—to grow food for migrating waterfowl.
After being driven almost to extinction, wolves are back in some of their natural habitat. A new podcast explores how ranchers, conservationists, and others are coming together to find paths toward peaceful co-habitation.
Grant and Dawn Breitkreutz didn’t know they were cultivating soil health when they started doing Holistic Management. But as they learned to work with nature rather than fighting it their soil–and their farm–began to thrive in ways they’d never dreamed of.
…those are just some of the stories of Jack Loeffler‘s fascinating memoir, Headed into the Wind — a tale of explorations in consciousness from nature and indigenous mind to music and the counterculture.
What would it mean for camping, hiking, hunting, fishing, and wildlife if there were mining in the national forest? What would be the downstream consequences for communities? We talk to two experts.
New Mexico is considering a law that would ban coyote-killing contests, and one that would ban wildlife trapping. We talk to the New Mexico Wildnerness Alliance and Wild Earth Guardians about these and other bills to protect wildlife on public lands.
Maasai men once hunted lions as a rite of passage. Now they’re conserving lions and other wildlife, promoting gender equality, and finding a balance between modern and traditional ways of life–with grace and creativity.
If you think that healthy grasslands are incompatible with livestock, listen to these two ecologically minded young ranchers, who are using domesticated animals to improve grasslands, conserve species, and create a vibrant rural culture.
This federal agency kills over three million animals every year, many of them native species. Why are they killing, and how are they doing it? We talk to Wild Earth Guardians which investigates the agency, and we also discuss wildlife trapping in NM.
Sandra Postel is an expert on water, and on balancing the needs of water users in creative ways, so that both wildlife and food can flourish. Yes, it can be done. And needs to be done a whole lot more.