Lost City of the Monkey God
How do you find an ancient Mesoamerican city under a dense and dangerous rainforest? Steve Elkins figured it out, and Doug Preston wrote a book about it…and now it’s the cutting edge of archaeology.
How do you find an ancient Mesoamerican city under a dense and dangerous rainforest? Steve Elkins figured it out, and Doug Preston wrote a book about it…and now it’s the cutting edge of archaeology.
There are no limits to what a group of women can do when they get together–and organize. Corrine Sanchez of Tewa Women United tells about three decades of activism, mutual support, and social change.
Before Erica Elliott decided to become a physician, she worked as a teacher on the Navajo reservation–where she also experienced being a shepherd, going into trance in peyote ceremonies, and being kissed by a mountain lion. We talk about her new memoir.
Imagine you’ve been living in a place for countless generations and suddenly you’re told it belongs to the King of Spain. Pueblo people learned quickly how to fight to keep their land and water. We talk to historians Malcolm Ebright and Rick Hendricks about their new book, Pueblo Sovereignty.