Teresa Leger Fernandez:
I just finished transferring. So I’m waiting for them to bring a cart for me so that they can take me all the way for, I need to go because I sprained my ankle at the inauguration. It was so exciting.
Mary-Charlotte Domandi:
Oh my God.
I didn’t even realize I had sprained it. I was jumping up and down, so I made it even worse. So my observation for today as, um, that, you know, a lot of being a Congresswoman is going to be doing exactly what I did today, which is basically have some interesting quote unquote meetings, right? Zooms – later on, there’ll be meetings – on different issues as we get ready, you know, as we’re talking about the strategy of how do we get ready for Biden’s, uh, the legislation that’s needed to be able to get the rescue plan, you know, and then do this and then do that and then get on a plane and fly back and then fly back and then fly back and, you know, and, and that’s what I’m doing. You know, this is just part of the job, so I was gonna have to fly back today. And then I was going to fly back for votes on Monday.
But we learned today that we’re going to switch the schedule so that we’re going to do committee work next week so that we can get ready for finance, you know, to be able to start passing legislation, to implement the rescue and recovery plan. So that’s part of being a Congressperson is being in airports a lot.
Are you in an airport right now?
Exactly. I’m in Denver right now.
Oh heavens.
So that’s the observation today. But if you stay awake, even I knew in an airport, there was, the plane was filled with National Guardspeople, and then some other ones that didn’t look quite as National Guard. And the guy behind me was very helpful and sure enough, it was a national park service. So I stopped and said, Oh, were you guys in DC for the thing? They said, oh yes. So they were actually park service Rangers that also got sent over. So they—
For the inauguration?
Yeah. So I, yeah, for the inauguration for the protection. So today I talked to people from, national guardsman from Pennsylvania, from Nebraska, cause I just stopped, you know, I would ask all the different Guardspeople were, they were from and then, you know, thank them for coming out. Cause you know, they have to pick up their lives and come on over. But these guys are pretty into it. They were park service. And what was fun was they were so excited about Deb Haaland being secretary of the interior. And then the other thing they did there was, they said, well, thanks for talking to us. They said, were you there? I said, yeah. And I said, I told them I was a Congresswoman. Thanks for talking to us. Our Congressperson would never talk to us. So it was like, Oh no, no. I was a youth conservation Corps. I loved the park service.
So anyway, yeah, my ride is here, so I shall go grab it. It’s like I am having no shame. I shall, I shall ride on a little electric cart. Because you can’t really get from, I can’t get from gate 22 to 88 otherwise. Okay. Bye. Bye.
Talk to you tomorrow.