Farming While Black
That’s the name of Leah Penniman‘s new book, and it’s a profound and wide-ranging exploration of everything from the practical details of how to start a farm, to the rich history of African-heritage farming.
That’s the name of Leah Penniman‘s new book, and it’s a profound and wide-ranging exploration of everything from the practical details of how to start a farm, to the rich history of African-heritage farming.
Is our weed killer killer killing us? Author Carey Gillam talks about her book Whitewash, the efforts to hold Monsanto accountable, and a vision for an agriculture that doesn’t rely on heavy chemical use.
Juries are finding that Monsanto’s Roundup is a dangerous carcinogen–and that the company has been misrepresenting its toxicity. Author Carey Gillam talks about her book Whitewash, the efforts to hold Monsanto accountable, and a vision for an agriculture that doesn’t rely on heavy chemical use.
Sixth-generation farmer Will Harris has led his farm back to its 19th century roots — and built on that to create a closed-loop, no-waste farm using regenerative practices and revitalizing their small Georgia town in the process.
We hear daily that our nation is “polarized.” But there are important areas of collaboration and common ground that are happening under the radar. MacArthur genius Gary Paul Nabhan‘s work brings together environmentalists and food producers — with exciting results.
We hear daily that our nation is “polarized.” But there are important areas of collaboration and common ground that are happening under the radar. MacArthur genius Gary Paul Nabhan‘s work brings together environmentalists and food producers — with exciting results.
Religious leaders as farmers, regenerative agriculture as a spiritual practice: Faithlands is all about community-building, food security, environmental restoration, and an interfaith, interdisciplinary approach to building a healthier and more just food system.
Doug Crabtree and Anna Jones Crabtree are first generation farmers using innovative approaches to larger-scale production agriculture–both as stewards of the land, and as pioneers in new approaches to the food business.
That’s the name of the terrific book by Judith Schwartz. We talk about how ecosystems evolved with animals, and how animals can be used to restore land and improve soil.
Wes Jackson, founder of The Land Institute, talks about solving not only problems within agriculture, but the problem of agriculture itself. What does that mean? Find out here!