Recent Episodes
Future visions, past reflections
How do we think about the future in precarious, uncertain times?
All about dogs
Dog owners are wild about their dogs. It’s hard to overstate the power and poignancy of this human-canine bond.
Alzheimer’s disease: Holding on to humanity
The journey of Alzheimer’s disease is unpredictable, baffling, a loss for the sufferer and painful for the family — yet can offer unexpected gifts.
Hot and habitable: Creating sustainable cities
We speak with three sustainability experts who explore the challenges Phoenix and other “extreme” cities.
Yes, we monitor what goes down the drain
Rolf Halden studies the impact of dangerous chemicals on human health.
Alexander Hamilton: A Maker of America
This is the story of Alexander Hamilton: the man, the nation builder, the dueler and the now-legendary musical.
ASU’s Thought Huddle
I produce the Thought Huddle podcast for Arizona State University. It highlights thinkers and doers who are devoted to creating meaningful impact and explores ideas, tells stories, and helps make sense of our complicated and beautiful world.
This podcast is produced in collaboration with the Arizona State University.